If you wish to contact us by phone or post, you can reach us at the following address:

ecostra GmbH
Business, Location and Strategy Consultancy in Europe
Bahnhofstrasse 42
D-65185 Wiesbaden

Tel: +49 - (0)611 - 71 69 575 - 0
Email: info@vorschau.nu-webdesign.de

You are also welcome to visit us at our Wiesbaden office by appointment. Our office is within walking distance of the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof), approx. 500 m away.

Parking facilities:

  • RMCC / Contipark (underground car park RheinMainCongressCenter)
  • "Lili" (underground car park of the "Lili" shopping centre at the main railway station)

Public transport stops:

  • Geschwister-Stock-Platz
  • Bus lines 1, 4, 8, 14, 27


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